Sunday, July 31, 2011

Post VII

Don’t know if it was a full moon, or should have been a Friday the 13th—but whatever it was, I was doin’ butt ball bad today.  And for Today—I Give Thanks.  I asked the Most High for some finances, and they were given, just not in the form I really needed it—and I still Give Thanks.

Today I learned I put my time in wrong and won’t be paid until Friday—shit!  I was so low on gas, so when I found out about the money, I didn’t even bother going to work—it would have been a waste.  (It would have been like trying to make a round-trip on one way gas).   I made two calls, one to the bank, and the other to the job.  I already had $25 coming from the bank because I thought cashing the check might be an issue.  I knew I needed gas money, however as of right now (6/13/2011 @ 8:57pm) ain’t nothin’ came through.  Therefore, I have requested the last $75 out of my savings account—something has to give by tomorrow in the AM.  Right now, I have $2 to my name, and the gas is one “E”

The good thing about the day though was my ex finally did come through with some money—she paid my phone bill.  That was a blessing because the phone was about to be shut off, at 6pm tonight.  Originally she was going to money-gram me some loot, but the loot went to the phone bill—that’s cool.

Before all that got settled though, I went to the little laundromat to wash some clothes.  They were in bad need of a washing because this past weekend I had gone camping with my brotha, and the 5 Points Conscious Community.  And camping was what a brotha needed.  It was real peace.  I felt stressed at times because I couldn’t contribute financially, but they welcomed me as usual, and gave me that feeling of community and love that a brotha desperately needs.  In any case, as I was waiting for the laundromat to open, I had gone online to check on my hours, and put in my time for the week.  It was then that I noticed that my first weeks’ time was not there. 
The day was completely frantic, but I made it through.  Like I said earlier, my ex did come through and pay my phone bill, so that was good.  I was beyond broke at the end of the day.  However, the next day some money did drop down from my savings account and into the bank card that I had.  And when I got back to the shelter, the brothas were very supportive and uplifting.  That is the thing about being flat on your back; there are others there who are there with you.

 The only thing that I can really compare it to is being on a slave ship.  If one has ever seen the picture of all the Africans on the ship, there are strapped down flat on their back; above them—more Africans, below them—more African, on the side—more Africans.  It is no wonder that we made it through the middle passage; we had each other, literally surrounded by another African.  That is how the day felt, on a ship filled with shit, but I was surrounded by support, and from that support, I made it through that day.

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